What’s On
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Imprisoned shoplifter to serve additional time after new conviction
Devon taxi driver jailed over £100,000-Covid bounce back loan fraud
Prisoners to sue Government over radon
Prison continues to be impacted by national pressures
Man jailed for defrauding National Trust of £1m in Devon
Man jailed for rape and sexual offences in Crediton
Fourteen inmates released from Devon prisons under national scheme
Drug dealer who operated at skate park jailed
Boyfriend jailed for punching and strangling partner
Abusive boyfriend broke restraining order
The South Hams charity transforming lives
Overcrowding a major cause for concern at Teignbridge prison
Chudleigh man jailed for child sexual abuse
Laughing gas ban now in force
Freed Thorverton Post Office robber jailed again for carrying a knife
Prisoner found with cocaine
Watch: Man arrested over murder of his grandmother
Suspended jail for assault on woman police officer
Police appeal to ‘remain vigilant’ in Channings Wood Prison area
Dawlish Warren campers intervene to save woman after attack
White supremacist jailed for race hate attack on black inmate in jail
Prison incident resolved ‘safely’
Suspended jail for Newton man who made indecent pictures of children
Jail for assaulting woman and drink-driving
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