WITH motorists continuing to use their driveways as makeshift passing places, residents of a Newton Abbot road have staged a protest by blocking off their driveways.

The three-day protest saw homeowners along Coach Road erect temporary barriers across the length of the entrance to their driveways.

Drivers have been kept at bay with wheelie bins, cones, chains, tape and bright red signs.

It comes as residents got together in frustration at the constant intrusion by drivers onto their respective properties.

A typical country lane, passing places along the road are few and far between, hence drivers are forced to pull in wherever possible, usually onto a resident’s driveway.

One resident said: ‘It is a protest in way, for three days we have put chains across the end of our driveways, to stop people using our driveways.

‘The whole of the road are a bit upset and, frankly, there is not an answer to it.

‘The road is just a lane, it is not big enough for the volume of traffic that uses it.

Coach Road becomes congested during the morning and evening rush hour, and it is not uncommon for it to become completely gridlocked, which will surely be the case later this month when Wolborough Street is closed for gas works.

‘We are going to have to deal with an incredible amount of traffic when they close Wolborough Street’ another resident said.

And despite the official diversion directing motorists elsewhere, many drivers will still try their luck and use Coach Road to avoid the disruption.