A PLANNING application for more than 1000 homes on the outskirts of Newton Abbot has been resubmitted five years after the housing developers set to deliver the project said that they were confident it will deliver an ‘extremely high quality expansion’ of the town.

Comprised of three, separate planning applications: 20/00950/MAJ; 20/00585/MAJ and 20/00586/MAJ, the proposed development is for up to 1,150 dwellings at Houghton Barton.

Bloor Homes is working alongside Redrow Homes to deliver the development, which is a part of ‘NA1’, which allocates a site of approximately 160 hectares at Houghton Barton to deliver a mixed-use development, including 1,800 homes, 650 of which have already been built as part of Hele Park.

The above-mentioned applications were held in abeyance after a series of objections, chiefly from the Environment Agency, who highlighted the need for the expansion of a Flood Storage Area associated with Holbeam Dam.

Since February 4, a swathe of updated supporting documents aimed at addressing the outstanding objections have been submitted, including an updated covering letter and a resubmission of the original 2020 planning statement, in which Bloor Homes and Redrow Homes said they are ‘confident that the resulting development will deliver an extremely high quality expansion of Newton Abbot’.

Public consultation on the applications ends in March.

On March 18, a meeting of Teignbridge District Council’s planning committee will take place at Forde House.

And while the agenda for this meeting has yet to be released, the committee date for 20/00585/MAJ, the application that pertains to 900 homes, is also March 18.

A decision can, therefore, be expected in the not too distant future on the largest housing development in Newton Abbot for a long time.