BAGS labelled as asbestos waste have been illegally dumped in one of Newton Abbot’s car parks.

A resident, who asked not to be named, contacted the Mid-Devon Advertiser to say he had contacted Teignbridge’s Environmental Health Department about the fly-tipping of potentially hazardous waste but nothing had been done in almost two weeks.

‘I couldn’t believe it as I was walking through the Halcyon Road Car Park when I saw several bags, marked asbestos, just dumped in the well beside one of the ramps.

‘What’s even more worrying is that I contacted Teignbridge Council about this on the Saturday before the Queen’s funeral (September 17).

‘And now, nearly two weeks later, they have done nothing about it.

‘It’s strange because whoever did this has correctly bagged the waste and taped up the bags marked Asbestos hazard.

‘Then they’ve just dumped them in the car park.

‘Most of the bags seem to contain items like overalls and face masks and the sort of things people might have worn or used to clear up after dealing with asbestos.

‘But there was one bag that looked bulky and like it contained asbestos.

‘We live just up the hill from the car park and my worry is that what if one of those bags burst and the contents were blown towards our home?

‘Teignbridge really should have acted quicker.’

A spokesperson for Teignbridge Council said: ‘We have no record of this being reported to either our environmental health, waste or car park teams.

‘We’ve visited the site and are arranging for a contractor to remove the material as swiftly as possible.

‘If anyone knows who is responsible for dumping these packages, we would urge them to get in touch ([email protected]) so action can be taken against the fly-tipper,’ added the spokesperson.