DAWLISH Walking Festival is back.
After two years of Covid cancellations, organisers are hoping the planned programme of a wide variety of walks will be a success.
A spokesman said: ‘We are delighted to be back after a two year absence, there is a variety of walks on offer with different special interest groups - there is something for everyone.
‘Walking is very beneficial for people’s health and wellbeing and the environment.’
The festival, which starts on Saturday September 24, is organised by Sustainable Dawlish and many of the walks are being led by community groups and individuals.
The first festival was held in 2016 and was a celebration of walking opportunities around the town and coast. Now Sustainable Dawlish is a group focussing on encouraging locals to adopt a
more sustainable lifestyle to protect Dawlish and its environment.
Included in the programme are beach cleans and litter pick walks, seafront and circular routes as well as country lanes.
More specialised walks feature local history and architecture, led by historian David Force and looking at the town’s famous waterfowl, led by the waterfowl warden.
Other itineraries will look at foraging, rocks and geology as well as stargazing at Mamhead Obelisk.
Routes will also go further afield to Kenton and Powderham.
Participants are advised to check the website www.dawlishtransition.org.uk for details of individual walks for pre booking and starting points.
Organisers say anyone taking part should arrive in plenty of time and wear appropriate footwear and clothing.
All walks are assessed according to the weather conditions each day.
Children must be accompanied by an adult and where dogs are allowed this is stated in the programme.
Some of the walks are suitable for wheelchairs and mobility scooters.