A GROUP of teenagers are suspected to be behind a series of vandal incidents who are ‘terrorising’ Dawlish residents.

Victims of the activities say there is a ‘gang of hooligans causing mayhem,’ mainly around the town centre area.

Residents are being urged to report all incidents to police. 

Over the space of three days, the gang of up to six, thought to be aged between about 12 and 15, have been involved in smashing glass, throwing eggs and kicking at doors.

Last night, one house in High Street was targeted by the youths who threw milk on the drive. 

When the house owner reprimanded them, one of the gan threw a bottle on the ground, smashing glass across the driveway.

They returned a short time later and threw eggs at the windows. 

The incident has been reported to police. 

On the same night a resident in Lawn Hill said they had been ‘launching stuff at my front door’. 

They have also been seen in the Barton Crescent area. 

There have been further reports of attempts at shoplifting but when confronted, the teenagers did put the items back. 

More residents have reported eggs being thrown at windows. 

One had a dog bowl thrown at their property twice.

And there have been numerous reports of youngsters hitting front doors.

Town councillor Rachel Hardy urged anyone affected to report it. 

She said: ‘Dawlish Town Council is in touch with police and pushing to get more police on the beat in Dawlish. The more people report anti social behaviour like this the better.’