A LOCAL garage recently welcomed the town’s firefighters to their premises for some training.
Dawlish Fire Station’s crew descended upon Marine Garage for a mock search and rescue scenario as a part of their regular training nights.
The scenario involved rescue a casualty from a workshop space located in a basement.

Having purposefully obscured their visors so as to simulate thick smoke, two crews of three firefighters apiece made their way below to where the casualty was located.
Little did they know there were in fact two casualties.
‘Basement environments are much more likely to have higher temperatures and smoke logging when involved in fire, so we take our higher volume 45mm hose instead of the narrower hose reel jet’ a spokesman for Dawlish Fire Station said.
Having an extra person on hand allowed the team to conduct their search quicker and in a more thorough manner, which proved escpailly beneficial in this case as a second casualty was located underneath car ramps.

‘Many thanks to Dane for hosting us and FF Welsh and CM Duke for organising the drill’ the spokesman said.
‘We are always on the lookout for places to run drill nights, please do send us a message if you would be willing to have is visit’ the spokesman added.