AN arts teacher from a Newton Abbot school organised a countywide conference for fellow teachers. 

Sam Eyre, curriculum and team area lead for creative arts at Coombeshead Academy, took the helm for this year’s Devon Art Teachers Conference. 

Mr Eyre is also the South West Institute for Teaching Community Network Lead for Art and Design while Coombeshead Academy houses the CREATE Creative Arts Academy, home to specialist studios and teachers offering learning in an exciting range of creative courses.  

CREATE offers art and design, photography, textiles, 3D design and graphics offering young people a doorway to diverse and rewarding careers.  

The school has a close creative partnership with MAKE Southwest and has often held the art teachers conference there.  

CREATE collaborate with them on various projects and art workshops throughout the school year.

The 2024 Devon Art Teachers Conference was organised around the theme of ‘craft’ and allowed local teachers the chance to listen to inspirational talks, reflect on creative teaching practices and network with their peers. 

The group went on to spend the afternoon at Bovey Craft Festival seeing some beautiful work and talking to more than 200 makers, artists and craftspeople.

Helen Coulson, headteacher at Coombeshead Academy said: 'I am so proud of Mr Eyre for playing such a key role in supporting art teachers all across Devon.  

‘We place such importance on the arts at Coombeshead and I know that the brilliant work Mr Eyre does puts us at the heart of arts teaching in the county.’