A PUB quiz night in Newton Abbot will raise funds for The Life Chance Trust, a youth charity adopted by new Mayor Cllr Alex Hall.

The event will be held at the Richard Hopkins in Queen Street with the entry fee for teams of four set at £5.

The general knowledge and specialist round questions will come thick and fast from 7.30pm.

Organiser Cllr Mike Ryan said: ‘When Newton Abbot Carnival was still running we always had a quiz night around this time of year and I’m pleased to keep that tradition going.

‘I’m also delighted that the night will support Alex’s charity as it does great work helping to boost the morale and confidence of our young people.

‘Alex is only 22 and the youngest Mayor Newton Abbot has ever had.

‘He’s a great example to his peers, showing just what is possible if you’ve the right people keeping your back.’

The quiz takes place on Monday July 8.