RESIDENTS have been invited to take part in a six week consultation on the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Bovey Parish.

The plan, which will influence development within the parish for the next 12 years, begins this Monday, August 16.

It sets out a vision for the future of the parish and local planning policies which, together with the Teignbridge Local Plan will be used to determine planning applications.

The plan has been written by the Bovey Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group in partnership with Bovey Tracey Town Council.

The town council has carried out a lengthy programme of community engagement,seeking the opinions and wishes of Bovey Tracey residents, through numerous surveys, consultations and events run since 2018 and has based the plan on the views and aspirations of the local community,

From the start of consultation until midday on September 27, details of the plan will be available online at .

Residents and business owners will be able to give their views using an online response form at or via the Bovey Parish Submission Response Form. 

Paper copies can be printed online and will also be available at the Riverside Community Centre in Station Road, Bovey Tracey, from Monday to Saturday, 9am-2pm, and at the Heathfield Community Centre in Cannon Road, Heathfield, from Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm.

Completed feedback forms should be sent by email to [email protected] or by post to Bovey NDP Representation, Spatial Planning & Delivery, Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 4XX.

Following the consultation, all written comments will be passed to an independent examiner for review and possible amendment of the plan.

Residents aged over 18 and on the electoral register will have the final say in a referendum, expected to be held later this year, on whether the plan should be adopted or not. 

Town councillor Robert Bradshaw, chairman of the Bovey Tracey Parish NDP steering group said: ‘This consultation on our NDP is an important step in the local planning process.

‘The NDP group has spent a lot of time over the last two and a half years, talking to local people and businesses to understand their aspirations for future development in our parish.

‘When adopted, the NDP will allow the views of local people to influence the determination of future planning application so “local voices will be heard”.’