THE public is being urged not to make “inappropriate” telephone calls to Devon and Cornwall Police. 

The force said its control centres had recently received calls from people complaining about the smell of the sea near a beach, ice being stolen from a drink, an Airbnb not having linen and more. 

“On an average day, call handlers deal with 859 emergencies and 1,195 non-emergency calls,” a spokesperson said.  

“Pressure on emergency services is not helped by a significant number of... inappropriate calls, which tie up staff and prevents them dealing with real emergencies.” 

Assistant Chief Constable Nikki Leaper added: “We know there are lots of things that people need help to get sorted out – everything from swarms of bees, fly tipping, noisy neighbours and lost dogs to untaxed or abandoned vehicle. 

“All those things are really annoying and you might need support to get them sorted out, but when you do, who are you going to call – the police isn’t always the best or the correct place to start.” 

The force has advised that abandoned cars and anti-social parking are dealt with by the local council, untaxed cars should be reported to the DVLA, lost or found dogs should be reported to the dog warden and noisy neighbours should be reported to the local council’s environmental health team.  

It added that minor traffic collisions don’t need to be reported provided you have exchanged details with the other party. 

Police are also urging people who dial 999 accidentally not to hang up. 

This is because the force has to investigate every 999 call, even when someone hangs up, as someone might be afraid, unable to talk or forced to put the phone down. 

“The force understands that some calls are made accidentally and the quickest way for us to deal with them is for the caller to stay on the line so we can confirm that they don't need any help,” ACC Leaper said. 

“Staying on the line means we can make sure you are ok in a fraction of the time, freeing up our staff to answer more calls and help more people.”