POLICE are stepping up efforts to tackle increasing reports of car crime in Kingskerswell. 

And they are reassuring the public they are taking the issue ‘very seriously’ following a spate of thefts from vehicles and attempts to break into cars in the area as well as in Torquay. 

Reports have been received of multiple vehicles being broken into overnight with varying items being stolen including, wallets and loose change.

Officers are now checking CCTV and carrying out house-to-house inquiries. 

Inspector James Johnson, who heads up neighbourhood policing teams investigating the incident, said: ‘Often these are criminals who will steal items to sell for cash so nothing of value should be left on display when leaving your vehicle, even a coat left on the passenger or back seat may provide an opportunity to a passing thief. 

‘The inconvenience that comes with a broken window or other damage can be costly, both in time and in money.’

Police are currently investigating the incidents. Officers would like to remind the public to remain vigilant and secure their vehicles.

Inspector Johnson added: ‘We would like to reassure the public that we are taking these crimes very seriously. 

‘Officers have been carrying out proactive work to identify the suspects including door-to-door enquiries, canvasing the area for CCTV and speaking with local residents.

‘People will see an increase in police presence, both on foot and in vehicles, across the evenings. 

‘We know what a difference our presence can have on helping make communities feel safer.

‘We’re going to be thorough and tough when targeting individuals who are acting suspiciously. Where relevant, officers will be completing stop searches and using their powers of arrest effectively to disrupt criminal behaviour.

‘We know the negative impact these crimes can have on the livelihood of the victims and it will not be tolerated. Our officers will be doing all they can to identify and pursue the people responsible for these thefts.

‘I would like to encourage anybody with information, no matter how small, or with footage that may assist investigating officers to submit a report to us. Your information might just be the missing piece we need.’