ORGANISERS and volunteers of Dawlish Celebrates Carnival have been praised for their hard work to make this year’s week a big success.

Friday’s finale community parade carried on despite constant rain and the entries battled through, enjoying the atmosphere as determined spectators turned out to watch.

Shimmer in the rain as Dawlish Celebrates Carnival parade gets underway.
Shimmer in the rain as Dawlish Celebrates Carnival parade gets underway. (Steve Pope / MDA)
Super Mario madness from the combined might of the Tranckle family.
Super Mario madness from the combined might of the Tranckle family. (Steve Pope / MDA)

The ‘Pinkies’ team of volunteers, so-called for their pink shirts, were congratulated for putting together such a good week of events and entertainment.

Chairman Angie Weatherhead said they had been humbled and amazed by the support received, particularly on the wet day of the parade. 

A clean sweep from Roots Community Enhancement.
A clean sweep from Roots Community Enhancement. (Steve Pope / MDA)
Dawlish Bored Housewives celebrating 40 years of carnival participation.
Dawlish Bored Housewives celebrating 40 years of carnival participation. (Steve Pope / MDA)

Photographer Bob Simpson said: ‘You and your team are exceptional people and you provided Dawlish and its residents and visitors a wonderful week.

‘If you could perhaps organise the weather to be dry for next year, that would be good.’

Other comments included ‘fabulous’, ‘amazing’ and ‘brilliant’.