A TEIGNBRIDGE food bank has seen more and more people in work pass through its doors of late, with the number of food parcels handed out by the organisation more than doubling also.

Teignbridge Homeless Action Today, or THAT as it is more commonly known, is a charity overseeing a food bank in Buckland, Newton Abbot.

Despite opening at 10am, THAT office manager Linda Brown, as well as myriad volunteers, can often be spotted inside well before then, especialy of late with the Christmas period, busy at the best of times, being right around the corner.

‘It has gone crazy - if I look at figures from four, five years ago, we have quadrupled the number of boxes we send out on a daily basis’ Linda said.

‘We are seeing people come in who have never used a food bank, never thought they would have to use a food bank, people who are working even we are definitely seeing a different clientele than we normaly do.’

The foodbank, in addition to providing immediate support with food, deliver food, toiletry and hygiene packs to those in need of them, as well as helping will fuel bills.

One user of the food bank said: ‘The first time I walked into the food bank I broke down and cried because I have never had to use a food bank before.

‘I moved down to Devon after experiencing domestic violence, I had a lovely house and I used to work in a Brain Injury Unit.

‘I would spend a good hour at home thinking - “Is anyone going to see me walk in?”

‘You feel embarassed.’