THE fine work of young artists was on display at a Unicorn Party held at Bovey Tracey Library.
And the day of fun, story telling and art will help victims of the terrible earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
When eight-year old Bella Stephens made posters for a Sunday bake sale at her church on Sunday, February 26, to raise money for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, she had no idea how it would set the ball rolling in Bovey Tracey.
Inspired by her care and go-getting attitude, local authors Sarah McIntyre and Philip Reeve decided to pitch in too.
As a result Bovey Tracey Library hosted the sold out ‘Unicorn Party’ in support of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal fundraiser.

Sarah said: ‘Together with Bella’s help, my co-author Philip Reeve and I raised £268 this afternoon to send to the DEC appeal via Tearfund.
‘The children had a great time designing their own Unicorn book covers, and even grownups joined in with the drawing in this sold-out library event.
‘We’d love to thank the Bovey library team, and everyone who came along, drew with us, and bought books!’
Pictures: Sarah McIntyre