A CELEBRATION of flowers, fruit and vegetables, photography, poems, baking and craftwork took place Denbury last weekend.

The village hall was the venue for the annual Denbury Flower and Produce Show, now in its 52nd year.

The hall was redolent with the heady aroma of numerous fantastic floral displays, while prize vegetables sat waiting for the judges to hopefully award a prestigious first prize.

Said show chairman Robert Morgan: ‘Once again the standard from all our exhibitors was very high - it certainly meant the judges had some some tricky decisions to make.

‘It was a good show all round which was enjoyed by all those who took part and attended.

‘The weather hasn’t been its best this season for growing but the entries were still impressive, and although we were down on baked entries this year we had more jams and preserves than we normally do.’

Denbury Flower and Produce Show. Show chairman Robert Morgan
Show chairman Robert Morgan inspecting flower displays before the show opened to the public (Steve Pope/MDA)
Denbury Flower and Produce Show
Craft displays at Denbury Flower and Produce Show (Steve Pope/MDA)
Denbury Flower and Produce Show
Trick of eye - a floating floral cuppa (Steve Pope/MDA)
Denbury Flower and Produce Show
Perfect condition carrots at Denbury Flower and Produce Show (Steve Pope/MDA)