DOG attacks on livestock are increasing on Dartmoor, despite positive engagement between dog owners and Dartmoor National Park Authority last year, the authority says. 

There have been 70 attacks already this year, up on 2023.

In its annual review, DNPA said it engaged with hundreds of dog owners last year in person and in social media campaigns, to reinforce a ‘dogs-on-leads’ message to protect wildlife and livestock.

Rangers said they found engaging with dog owners ‘much more positive than in past years’.

It distributed 450 free branded dog leads, dog treats and information detailing wildlife that can be found on the moor.

But head ranger Simon Lee said livestock worrying remained an issue and it would be a focus for moor marshals who have been employed for a fifth year to keep an eye on how people use the moor.

The marshals, part funded by Devon and Cornwall police and crime commissioner Alison Hernandez as part of her anti-social behaviour crackdown and other organisations, will be on patrol until September during the evenings when the rangers have finished their shifts.

Mr Lee said: 'They will be patrolling key honeypot sites including Haytor, Cadover, Dart Valley, Wistman’s Wood and Meldon Reservoir and engaging with members of the public, explaining the special qualities and conveying some of our key messages like asking people to put their dogs on a lead this time of year.’

Mr Lee added the work was not all about challenging people who disregard the rules, but also thanking people who do the right thing.

As well as lambs and foals at risk, people should be aware of ground nesting birds that could not be seen in heather and gorse.

Dartmoor marshals spent a total of 1,089 hours patrolling the moor last summer, covering 44 evenings. 

They recorded 220 incidents relating to overnight stays in motorhomes, fly camping, including open fires, dogs off leads (before the end of July) and at least one occasion of stopping a rave.

The marshals, who are employed through a security firm, dealt with six reports of homeless people living on the moor last year.