DESPERATE parents in Dawlish will soon be able to apply for pre-school places following the announcement of a new nursery opening.

Dawlish has an acute shortage of childcare places for under-fives, made worse since the recent closure of the Little Swans pre-school.

Now a new nursery is to open in the former Little Swans premises at the bungalow next to Westcliff Primary School.

The closure of Little Swans at Christmas following a raft of safety concerns made to regulator Ofsted had a significant impact on families, leaving many parents struggling to find alternative nursery provision.

Now the new nursery provider, Puffins of Exeter, has been selected by Devon County Council.

The new nursery will be open from 7.30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, all year round and accept babies and children up to and including the age of five.

Priority for places will be given to families who live within Dawlish.

Demand for places is expected to be high.

Work is to start soon to improve the interior of the bungalow and ensure all the necessary facilities are in place.

The appointment of Puffins followed a rigorous selection process and will deliver much-needed nursery places in a part of Devon where more provision is needed.

Dawlish has had a lack of childcare for children under the age of five for a number of years, partly due to a lack of suitable available buildings.

Gemma Rolstone, Puffins director said: ‘We are thrilled to have been selected as the new provider for Westcliff and are working hard to ensure we can be up and running as soon as possible.

‘We look forward to working with the local community to provide the service that is so desperately needed.’

Martin Wrigley, MP, who is county councillor for Dawlish, said: ‘This will be very welcome in Dawlish as there are many people who cannot find the childcare that they need.

‘We still need more childminders and childcare in the town, so I wish this new venture every success and hope that other providers may also setup in Dawlish in the future.’

Councillor Andrew Leadbetter, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member for Childrens Services and Schools, said: ‘I want to thank The Early Years and Childcare Team for working so hard to help deliver this vital service.

‘We know all too well that there are working families in Dawlish who need childcare all year round and that they are struggling to balance family life and work.

‘There are also families who are not in work who need a nursery place for their child before they start at school so they can learn to be away from home and to play and develop with other children and we will continue to work hard to secure more Early Years places in areas of Devon where there is a shortage.

‘I wish the Puffins team every success.’