OFFICERS from Devon and Cornwall Police recently joined their colleagues in Wiltshire to thwart agricultural crime in an operation set to be delivered in Devon later in the year.

A two-day operation led by Wiltshire Police, Operation Ragwort saw more than 60 police officers and staff, including those from Devon, stop and check vehicles towing trailers carrying quad bikes, livestock, agricultural equipment, and plant machinery along the A303 and the A419.

The aim of the operation was to prevent and disrupt the transportation of stolen machinery.

Operation Ragwort saw more than 100 vehicles stopped and checked.

Two vehicles were seized, a suspected stolen trailer was recovered, and a vehicle prohibition was completed on a vehicle carrying a trailer containing a dangerous load.

A joint initiative between the five police forces in the South-West region, and the Police and Crime Commissioners for all five forces, Operation Ragwort is set to be delivered in Devon later in the year, police have said.