THERE has been another big increase in the number of families being allocated their first choice of secondary school places, Devon County Council (DCC) has said.
New figures announced today, Monday, March 3, show that 93.5 per cent of families who applied for a place next September have been offered their first preference, the council say.
By comparison, last year was 92.5 percent and 90.4 percent the year prior.
In all, 98.2 per cent of families will get one of their three preferences with 4.1 per cent allocated their second preference and 0.5 per cent their third, compared with 97.8 per cent last year.
7,398 allocations were made for a place at a Devon mainstream secondary school in 2025.
The figures include pupils with Education Health and Care Plans who have been allocated mainstream school places in Devon.
These children have all been prioritised for placement in a mainstream school in accordance with the department for education school admissions code.
Cabinet Member for Schools, Andrew Leadbetter, said: ‘When the national statistics are released, it’s likely that Devon will, once again, have one of the best figures for meeting school preferences.
‘It is a testament to the hard work of our admissions and school organisation teams and the partnership and co-operation we have received from the heads, staff and governors of Devon’s secondary schools that more than nine out of 10 families have received their first preference and the number is up on last year.
‘These are obviously early statistics and are quite likely to improve even more before September as appeals are heard and other factors are taken into account, such as parents not taking up places they have been offered.’